Skills: Substance Painter, Procedural Genetrated Mesh, Shader

UpsideDown is a horror room escape game prototype inspired by two reference:
1. The UpsideDown world in the TV show, Stranger Things.
2. A twitter fanart comic, アライさんマンション.
I drew the idea of having a creepy world extremely similar to the normal world, from Stranger Things; combined with the idea of living in an apartment where weird things happen. With these ideas, I came up with this horror game prototype.

In this prototype, I created a procedural vine generated tool to help me decrate the scene while allowing the player to interact with the vines. In addition, I created a shader effect to swarp between "Normal world" and "UpsideDown world" to create a feeling of being in the Limbo.
Procedural Vine Generated tool
This tool allows the user to create vines by giving it the Splines, the radius carve. With the auto-UV tiling algorithm I created, the user can create various shapes of vines (or others) with any texture, without having to worry about the texture being stretched.
UpsideDown shader
By feeding the materials two sets of textures, I am able to show different looks of an object depending on whether it is being pointed by the flashlight.
By doing this project, I am able to create a decent feel of a person stuck in the Limbo. I also demonstrated how some of the game mechanics could fit in the game, such as puzzle solving, dialogs...etc. In addition, I also learned how to use Substance Painter to create realistic textures.

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